Category: Frontend

Lazy Loading Angular Third Party

You are lazy loading everything in your Angular application, and you say … hmmmm, wait, what if I want to lazy load everything, like EVERYTHING !!, you lazy loaded your modules, components, but you’re thinking of lazy loading Angular third party dependencies, well, that’s good, but, even great, but how to do that? First Steps.

Google reCAPTCHA with Angular

You created your Angular app, of course with some forms and contact us forms, and people started to hop over your website and contacting you, some of them are just spam and running bots, you start to realize you need to install Google reCAPTCHA to avoid bots and spams. Let’s Jump Technically Get Google reCAPTCHA.

Angular using Vanilla JavaScript Libraries

Have you ever wanted a component in Angular and you’ve never found it on npm or github for any reason? You keep searching and searching, and you find it, but Oh ! it’s written in javascript, not angular 🥲, What should we do now? You ever thought of how to add vanilla javascript libraries in.

Web Components

When we think of web components, we always jump to our new modern next gen frameworks like, Angular, React, Vue … etc. But what if we can create components, without using a framework. Is it good? Well, should we use a framework in the first place? That’s a tough question, what does a framework give.

Deploying Angular

Deploying Angular can be tricky for a lot of us. We; Frontend Developers kinda throw this shit over Backend Developers and we say, it’s not our shit 💩 and this leads us to not know the whole process and how does things work. But, that’s entirely wrong, we should know the whole process, from the.

Web Sockets and Angular

Using Web Sockets / WebSockets can be very helpful in a lot of nowadays applications/websites. The enormous flow of notifications, data, info, news and push notifications will be best handled by one of two things, either Web Sockets or SSE (Server Sent Events – Will speak about it in a later post). In this article,.

HTTP with Angular Universal

HTTP with Angular Universal is kinda a big deal 😎 have you ever thought, Ok, so Angular Universal Apps are rendered on the server and the resulting HTML is returned to the client .. hmmm, ok .. but that’s for static data. What if, I wanna call an API, get some data from the server,.

Angular SEO

Angular SEO is a big deal, because SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is what will bring visitors to your website, it’s nice to use SPAs (Single Page Applications) but of course it will be bad if you use them and lose your rank in search engines. As we were speaking in the previous post Angular Universal.

Angular Universal Applications

Angular Universal Applications are the key … why? As you all may already know Angular is already widely used in a lot of applications (both static and dynamic apps or web pages). But as any SPA technology (Single Page Application), It may be the worst for SEO, because SPAs basically rely on rendering pages on.